Jaka Juhant’s work in 3D design and digital painting is inspired by video games and fantasy movies, exploring connections between digitality and incorporeal states of being. By creating different ambients, exploring technical possibilities, and using worldbuilding, he is interested in the feeling of corporality in a digital space and the changing ideas of a body in the context of posthumanism.
The interactive animation Horse features a motif that often appears in Jaka Juhant’s work and is connected to metaphoric interpretations of strength, movement, and the ideal body. The fact that the horse is injured heightens the explorations of bodily experiences that could be translated through digital environments. The state of the animal and the temporality of the work are in the hands of the viewers, as the animation allows them to slow down or speed up time. By giving power to the spectator, the artist draws parallels with the logic of video games, in which the course of the narrative is often determined by the player. The story set in a romanticized landscape, is inviting us in an endless loop of poetic metaphors about the passage of time and transience.
Jaka Juhant is a multimedia artist working in the fields of video, illustration and graphic design. He is a member of the Podmladek artist collective with which he has exhibited in multiple group shows. Since 2023 he has been a member of the Nimaš Izbire collective, doing graphic design and VJing.
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Jaka Juhant inspiracijo za svoja dela v 3D tehniki in digitalnem slikarstvu črpa iz videoiger in fantazijskih filmov, preko katerih raziskuje povezave med digitalnostjo in breztelesnimi stanji. Z ustvarjanjem različnih ambientov, raziskovanjem tehničnih zmožnosti ter gradnjo novih svetov razmišlja o občutku telesnosti v digitalnem prostoru in spreminjanju predstav o telesu v kontekstu posthumanizma.
V interaktivni animaciji Konj naletimo na motiv, ki se pogosto pojavlja v njegovih delih ter je povezan z metaforičnimi interpretacijami moči, gibanja in idealnega telesa. Dejstvo, da je konj poškodovan, še potencira raziskovanje izkušenj telesa, ki jih je mogoče prenesti v digitalna okolja. Stanje živali in časovnost dela sta v rokah gledalcev, saj jim je v animaciji omogočeno, da sami upočasnjujejo ali pospešujejo čas. S prepuščanjem tovrstne moči gledalcu, umetnik vzpostavlja vzporednice med svojim delom in logiko videoiger, v katerih je potek pripovedi pogosto odvisen od igralca. Zgodba, postavljena v romantizirano pokrajino, nas tako vabi v neskončno zanko poetičnih metafor o poteku časa in minljivosti.
Jaka Juhant je intermedijski umetnik, ki deluje na področju videa, ilustracije in grafičnega oblikovanja. Je član umetniškega kolektiva Podmladek s katerim je razstavljal na večih skupinskih razstavah. Od 2023 je član kolektiva Nimaš Izbire pri katerem sodeluje z grafičnim oblikovanjem in VJ-anjem.