Farah Sara Kurnik
Cryptidgram 2.0
In her artistic practice, Farah Sara Kurnik builds worlds of speculative reality, within which she explores mechanisms and systems for the visual categorisation, systematisation and communication of certain contents. Her schemes, diagrams and inventories present an interplay of graphic design and the construction of various mysterious narratives that seem impossible to decipher.

The work Cryptidgram 2.0 is a continuation of the exploration of a cryptic interface that at first glance resembles a kind of technical manual, but despite the recognition of certain elements and formats, its content cannot be decoded. The unexplained circumstances of the origin of the encrypted document and its unfamiliar technical language raise questions about the many possible antecedents of the creation of the manual, its purpose and ownership. The interactive complex diagrams and minimalist schematic interweavings thus offer more questions than answers, providing the viewer with a premise to consider whether this might be the technical instructions of a fictitious company from the past, a confidential document of a secret agency in a speculative future, or a manual from another world, comprehensible only to other non-human entities.

Farah Sara Kurnik works in the fields of graphic and industrial design, scenography, video and new technologies. She is currently studying Graphic and Media Technology at the Faculty of Science and Technology. She participated in many exhibitions, as well as designed many graphic images for contemporary Slovenian and foreign musicians, and musical events, within which she often takes on the role of a VJ. In 2021, she presented her work at the 34th ISKRA DELTA graphic biennial, as well as co-founded and led the Bilanca event series at Cukrarna Bar. In 2022, in collaboration with freštreš, she contributed installations and video projections for the theatre performance Zadnji naj ugasne luč at Prešeren Theatre Kranj, as well as providing the visual image, scenography and video material for the performance Da te ni sram at the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre. In 2023 she had her solo exhibition Inventory Check at DobraVaga gallery and in the same year she presented her work at The Wrong Biennale as part of the group exhibition Kres. She is a member of the Ljubljana-based collective Nimaš izbire.

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Farah Sara Kurnik v svoji umetniški praksi gradi svetove spekulativne realnosti, znotraj katerih raziskuje mehanizme in sisteme za vizualno kategorizacijo, sistematizacijo in komunikacijo določenih vsebin. Njene sheme, diagrami in inventarji predstavljajo preplet sporočilnosti grafičnega oblikovanja ter grajenja različnih skrivnostnih narativ, za katere se zdi, da jih ni mogoče dešifrirati.

Delo Cryptidgram 2.0 predstavlja nadaljevanje raziskovanja kriptičnega vmesnika, ki na prvi pogled spominja na neke vrste tehnični priročnik, vendar kljub prepoznavanju določenih elementov in formatov, njegove vsebine ni mogoče razbrati. Nepojasnjene okoliščine nastanka kodiranega dokumenta in njegov nam nepoznani tehnični jezik sprožata razmišljanje o mnogih možnih predzgodbah nastanka priročnika, njegovega namena in lastništva. Interaktivni kompleksni diagrami in minimalistični shematični prepleti tako ponujajo več vprašanj kot odgovorov ter gledalcu predstavljajo izhodišče za razmislek ali gre morebiti za tehnična navodila fiktivnega podjetja iz preteklosti ali tajni dokument tajne službe v spekulativni prihodnosti ali pa priročnik iz drugega sveta, ki je razumljiv samo drugim nečloveškim entitetami.

Farah Sara Kurnik je vizualna umetnica, ki ustvarja na področju grafičnega in industrijskega oblikovanja, scenografije, videa in novih tehnologij. Trenutno študira na Naravoslovnotehniški fakulteti, smer grafična in medijska tehnika. Sodelovala je na različnih razstavah ter oblikovala mnogo grafičnih podob aktualnih slovenskih in tujih glasbenikov in glasbenih dogodkov, znotraj katerih je pogosto prevzela tudi vlogo VJ-ke. Leta 2021 je svoje delo predstavila na 34. grafičnem bienalu ISKRA DELTA in v istem letu soustvarila ter vodila cikel glasbenih dogodkov Bilanca v Cukrarna Bar. Leta 2022 je v sodelovanju s freštreš prispevala likovno podobo v obliki inštalacij in video projekcij za gledališko predstavo Zadnji naj ugasne luč v Prešernovem gledališču Kranj in ustvarila vizualno podobo, scenografijo in video material za predstavo Da te ni sram v Lutkovnem gledališču Ljubljana. Leta 2023 je v galeriji DobraVaga predstavila solo razstavo Inventory Check ter v istem letu v sklopu skupinske razstave Kres predstavila svoje delo na The Wrong Biennale. Je članica ljubljanskega kolektiva Nimaš izbire.